Many people spend a large part of their early years trying to decide want to major in during college. It can be a pretty scary thing trying to decide what to spend four years and thousands of dollars studying. It is recommended you do some research to figure out what you like. Here are some jobs that a degree in Nutrition Science can create.
If you are one of those healthy eating, exercising loving types then this degree may be the ultimate dream for you. Many people who are interested in health and medicine but do not wish to go through the grind of medical school also often enjoy this field. Most schools offer classes in this field and similar fields are Physical Therapy and Food and Service Management. Many use nutrition to improve overall health and treat and manage health problem ranging from diabetes to psychological disorders. Here are some of the more common fields.
Community Dietitians
A community dietitian lives up to the name by teaching families and individuals about nutrition. You will often find yourself teaching workshops that range from disease prevention, meal planning and nutrition for children. Generally a bachelor degree or masters in nutrition or dietetics is required and many states require a certified state license. Possible employers include public and county health organizations, home health organizations and nonprofits that work to improve community health.
Healthy Foods
Assistant Nutrition Professor
Remember that somebody had to teach you this stuff so why not pass it along? Many find teaching in their given fields to be very rewarding. Community colleges and four year universities hire assistant professors to teach these classes. Obvious duties include teaching students about nutrition in classes but other duties may include performing school research programs and hosting official school nutrition related events or campaigns. Many schools will accept a master’s degree at this level but some require a doctorate. Once again most states will require an official certification.
Nutrition Consultants
Nutrition consultants can fulfill a wide variety of duties to increase the overall quality of life for their patients. This can include meeting with nutrition clients, creating nutrition plans and even monitoring health programs. Some consultants even write and prepare nutrition manuals, healthy recipe books or write articles for magazines. You could also serve in a specific niche and work with a diabetic clinic or be a nutritionist at a rehab center. There are plenty of opportunities in publications, community organizations, nonprofits and government agencies such as the Department of Health.
This field can be an incredibly interesting field and many are surprised by just how much difference dietary changes can make in overall health. Check accredited universities such as Trident University is a great way to obtain your degree.
Jeff Jordan writes in lives in Southern California. He writes about a variety of topics including automobiles and colleges such as Trident University.