If you aren’t skilled at many things, you probably spend a lot of time wishing you were. In fact, there are ten skills you might wish you had just to make life a little bit easier.
Air Conditioning Repair
If you have ever had to sweat it out in a hot house while you waited for an air conditioning repairman to get to your house, then you know that air conditioning repair is an important skill. If you knew how to fix your air conditioning yourself, you could get the house cool quickly, avoid the costly repair bill, and even help your family members and friends when they are in need.
Woodworking Talent
You might wish you had woodworking skills as well. Just imagine building your own outdoor furniture for you patio, building an island for your kitchen, or even refinishing your wood floors. If you had woodworking skills, you could even build pieces just to sell to earn extra money on the side.
Auto Repair
If you have ever been left stranded because your car broke down, you know that finding alternate transportation, waiting for the shop to get to your vehicle, and paying the expensive bill can all be tough. If you had skills in auto repair, you could fix the car yourself on your timetable and only pay for new parts. This could be a huge savings.
Plumbing Knowledge
Everyone wishes they had plumbing knowledge because plumbers charge a lot of money, especially if you call at night or on the weekend. Plumbing skills would allow you to make emergency repairs in your home and change the layouts in your kitchen and bath during remodeling jobs. You could even earn extra money on the side by working with a local plumber.
Construction Expertise
You may even dream that you had construction skills. Imagine being able to build a deck on your home when you want or add an extra bedroom when you have another baby. You wouldn’t have to hire a contractor and could just pay for the building materials. Building on to your home would be quite inexpensive.
Design Skills
If you love looking through home improvement magazines, you may wish you had design skills to be able to create the style and look in your home that you have always wanted. With design skills, your home could look like a showplace as you could choose the perfect paint, curtains, flooring, furniture and décor.
Cooking and Baking
Cooking and baking both take a certain amount of skill to get them just right. You might wish for cooking and baking skills to make your family happy or because you dream of being like the chefs you see on TV. Either way, these skills can make you and your family happy night after night when you put dinner on the table.
Sewing Skills
If you had sewing skills, you could repair your own clothes instead of buying new ones when they tear or rip. You could also design and create your own looks, so you could be fashionable on a budget.
Public Speaking
If your job requires public speaking, you might wish for these skills every single time you have to make a presentation in front of a group. Great public speakers deliver information with confidence and ease.
Proofreading Abilities
If you have to submit written reports at work, you probably wish for proofreading skills. These skills are essential in the business world, so you send out professional copy to those in charge.
Wising for these skills won’t magically make them appear. However, you can choose a few and work towards them as personal goals.